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Monday, July 27, 2015

Why Is “Eating To Compliment Your Workout” So Important?

Have you been going hard in the gym and not seeing the proper results? Do your eating habits compliment the work you're putting in at the gym? If not, the results may come, but they'll come at a very slow pace.

Women in bikini laying on fruit | www.TheFittestBlogger.com

In order to maximize results in the gym, what you do outside of the gym is just as important as what you do inside. Have you heard of the 80/20 rule or for some 70/30 and how your nutrition is more important than your exercise. Well I wouldn't take it that far, but it is important if you'd like to reach your goal. 

Let's just say; take your nutrition as serious as you would take your workout. If you're looking to lose weight, gain muscle mass, tone up, or just flat out gain weight then listen up!

As a trainer, I'll suggest a few things.

Get with a trainer, nutritionist, or dietitian and put together a nutrition/meal plan for you to follow and make sure it fits and/or compliments your workout routine. Ensure that you're getting enough and the right amount of calories, nutrients, and liquids to see results.

No one wants to bust their ass in the gym and not see results.

I've seen it happen over and over again. And clients getting fed up to the point that they start to second guess themselves.

It doesn’t make sense to come into the gym and burn 500+ calories just to go throw it all away eating a McChicken from Mickey D's. What makes sense is getting a nutrient dense meal that compliments your personal goals. 

One frequently asked question I get is how to get rid of belly fat. Here are a few reasons you're probably not losing it just by doing cardio and so many ab workouts; 

1. You're not eating healthy fats (nuts, olive oil, and avocado).
2. You're not getting enough sleep at night.
3. You're stressed out and aren't doing anything about it. Exercise can be a great stress reliever. I'm just saying!
4. Your food comes from a box.
5. You're addicted to diet sodas. There's nothing diet about a soda!
6. You don’t eat a variety of foods with vitamin c.
Tips to counter your bad habits;
1. Do the opposites of the list above.
2. Try HITT training for one of your workouts during the week
3. Exercise for at least 150 minutes a week. The American Heart Association considers that regular exercise. You can always do more!

Want to learn more follow me on IG @getfitwithherve and like me on Facebook at Facebook.com/GetFitWithHerve  also follow

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Herve Doliska a native of Maryland made move to South Florida ensuing his college graduation in January of 2012 to start his personal training and fitness business(getfitwithherve.com). His move was inspired by the passion for fitness and sports in Miami, and what better way to take part in it, then to help those in need of assistance. Herve is a graduate from West Virginia University, where he earned his bachelors degree in Exercise Physiology and Multidisciplinary Studies. West Virginia University is  also where he received his personal training certification and excelled as a personal trainer. A lot of Herve's knowledge within this field has come from personal experience, participating in sports, and his college education. Sport and exercise psychology, personal training, strength and conditioning, exercise physiology, and communications were Herve's areas of study in college as an undergrad at West Virginia University.

Did Herve miss anything? Comment below if you have any tips to add to the list. And remember to like, share, repost, hashtag. Happy lifting!

Interested in writing a guest post. Contact Trainme.tfb@gmail.com.

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